Hosting Solo and Ensemble-- Jan. 28 and Feb. 4

Pioneer will once again be posting MSBOA District 12 Solo and Ensemble on Jan 28 and Feb 4, 2017. 

If you are looking for an ACCOMPANIST, CLICK HERE

If you are looking to sign up as a STUDENT WORKER, CLICK HERE

If you are a parent looking to volunteer, CLICK HERE (coming soon)

Student Performer Schedule (was emailed by Mr. Glawe)

Back to Orchestra Megamail 2016!

Welcome back, Pioneer Orchestra Community!

Today, August 28 2016, I sent the Back to Orchestra Megamail to you in hopes that it will help you prepare for the year. Since some of this information is sensitive, I have not posted it here. If you are not receiving emails from me, and are an enrolled student/parent in our program, please send me an email, and I will add you to our list.

Looking forward to another outstanding year of EXCELLENCE!


Mr. Glawe