Pioneer Orchestras Return from London!

The Pioneer Orchestra tour of London, UK is now complete!
The 144 of us on the tour represented the Ann Arbor Public Schools and the United States with great poise and professionalism. We were praised everywhere we went for our kindness, flexibility, and in performance, our musicianship.
It feels good to be home, but I do miss that wonderful city! London was beautiful and charming.

This was the largest international tour I have ever done, and despite the typical challenges, the Pioneer students were a class act!

Many thanks to the chaperones who were the true heroes of this trip. Thanks to all members of the Pioneer Orchestra Parents Society - POPS for their financial support through scholarships. Additional appreciation for student bus captains, stage crews, chaperone group leaders, my co -director Julia Knowles, and of course Caro Uhlemann-Short and Courtney Frederickson from Bob Rogers Travel.

Hard to believe, but Pioneer auditions for 2019-2020 begin on Tuesday. 200+ students to hear independently for placement. No rest for the wicked.

Pioneer Orchestras London.JPG